How will Healthy Eating Decisions improve your elementary school?
Our project seeks to improve both the academic performance and the health of elementary school age students in Spartanburg County by reinforcing healthy eating decisions and strengthening self-esteem and empowerment. Financial support from the Spartanburg Regional Foundation, Spartanburg Community Indicators Project, and Wofford College is providing the Healthy Eating Decisions program free of charge to any and all 40 Spartanburg County elementary schools serving over 21,000 children in our community.
Our program will not only instill a sense of pride within your students for having made a healthy eating decision through the momentary attention of ringing a call bell but will also transform your cafeteria into an environment that reminds all students that their school values daily healthy eating decisions during lunch.
We do not seek anything from your school other than to provide a cost-free program that we believe will improve the quality of life of your students and the overall health of our community. All of our information is available to the public including our nutritional criterion for our healthy meals, data to support the program, and instructional and educational videos.
Are you a school administrator, teacher, or parent that would like more information about the Healthy Eating Decisions program?
Contact us to find out how you can help bring the program to your school for free!